My last bump! This is my 4th and final pregnancy, and let me tell you, that’s giving me allll the feels. What a journey each pregnancy has been and I truly have cherished every one of them. With this last bump, I knew I wanted to get amazing photos. This was my first session with Vanessa Lentine, and she blew me out of the water with these gorgeous images. Honestly, they bring tears to my eyes. And I think they might even without the pregnancy hormones 😉
You might not know it from the photos, but I had spent the previous night in the ER with a little scare. At only 34 weeks I was having contractions and running a fever. After 8 hours at the hospital, they were able to stop contractions, get my fever back down and clear me to resume normal activities. Thank goodness!! I got home after midnight, spent the following day in bed and then knew I had to rally that evening for pictures….I was a mama on a mission!! I’m so thankful I was able to go, here are just a few of my favorites…
And now countdown to baby is on!! We’re ready to meet you sweet little lady!
Photograhy by Vanessa Lentine