An online source for Myrtle Topiaries

I’ve long been a fan of small topiaries – especially when grouped together in perfectly aged terracotta pots. Finding them however has always proven quite difficult! Local nurseries do stock them on occasion, but I find that not only is the time frame limited for when they are available, but when these sweet little topiaries arrive they sell out QUICK. That’s why I’m particularly excited to say I’ve found an online source….on Etsy of course! Now a fair warning, these are not cheap little things. They are expensive, and the shipping is expensive, and yes you have the potential to kill them. Hahaa, I’m not exactly selling them am I…BUT these little topiaries are just so dang pretty. If you care for them then they will be around for a loooong time. Also, I look at them as more of a home decor investment than a random little plant, so that softens the blow a bit.

If I haven’t scared you off then you must check out the Etsy Shop – Passiflora. They stock myrtle, westringia and a few other varieties. And then also be sure to read this great article on how to keep them alive 🙂

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