Morning comes early in our household (thanks to bright eyed Emmy!!) and honestly I’m not much of a morning person! Ideally I’d love to wake up before the kiddos each morning, but there are times when that just doesn’t happen. Emmy is usually up between 6-6:30am and lately it’s been closer to 6am! Thankfully I have an incredibly helpful husband who is more of a morning person and he’ll often wake up with our little early bird. I also find it helpful to follow a simple morning routine that kickstarts my energy and gets me going for the day!
There are three things that I try and start my day off with every morning. A tall glass of room temperature lemon water, a green juice smoothie and my Super B supplement from Young Living.
The lemon water helps to improve digestion and gives my immune system a little boost. I think also it just reminds me to drink water, as silly as that sounds! If I start off with a glass, then I’m more likely to continue to drink water throughout the day.
I’m also not a fan of eating right away in the morning, but I find if I wait too long I get way too hungry and end up scarfing down something not so healthy. My quick and easy solution is this green juice smoothie. It’s not a thick smoothie, but it provides a good healthy dose of greens and fills me up just the right amount. Emmy has also gotten used to drinking this smoothie with me and it makes me so happy to know she’s getting her greens in for the day too! The recipe (if you can even call it that) is below!
Lastly I take a Young Living supplement called Super B which supports mood and energy levels. I’ve heard Liz rave about this supplement and call it a complete game changer, so of course I was curious!! I’ve been taking it regularly for about 2 months now and I can honestly say that I do see a difference! There have been a few days when I missed it and I realized I just didn’t have as much pep in my step!
The best way to get started with Young Living is by purchasing a starter kit, and then adding products on like Super B through Essential Rewards. If you prefer to not become a member you can always purchase individual products separately. Please always feel free to reach out with any questions regarding essential oils. I started using them last fall and I’m really pleased.
I feel really good about starting my day with these rituals. You know how they say by making your bed in the morning, you’re setting the tone for the entire day? It’s the same with these wellness routine! I honestly feel like they set me up for a more healthy and productive day. Oh, and I make my bed too 🙂
I call this a green juice smoothie because it is thicker then a juice, but thinner then a smoothie! It’s not something I sip on all morning, I blend it up and drink it right down! Emmy always gets some too and I love that she’s starting her day off with great serving of greens. My big kiddos are usually already off to school by the time I make this, so instead they often get a smoothie in the afternoon!
Add everything to a high powered blender and blend! I use a Vitamix!